1. Games To Play At Pub Crawl
  2. Games To Play At The Public House
  3. Games To Play At The Public Library

This is a game I made up mainly because the buck wasn’t the biggest drinker or someone who would do many dares. This is a game for the whole group to play.

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The range of pub style slot games are famous for several different reasons, the first main reason is the interactive and involving game play which is highly entertaining. The second reason behind the success of the pub slots free is the lighthearted themes which are either very amusing or wacky and crazy. Ok, here we go, 7 bar games you can play at your bar, pub or club that are guaranteed to bring some laughs and entertainment to the night. Bar Game #1 – The Dating Game It doesn’t matter if the “couples” are total strangers, friends or long-term lovers.


Firstly develop some challenge cards. The challenge cards have a challenge and a penalty on them eg Wear your jocks on the outside of your pants for 1 hour – Penalty: If not completed skull a drink. Depending on the number of guests/players depends on the number of cards. I had about 20 people coming to the bucks so I developed a total of 40 cards. Not all the cards were challenge cards. Just to make it interesting I developed ‘Rejection’, ‘Backfire’, and ‘Double Dare’ cards as well. Also just to make sure we could control the drinking a bit I wrote up 2 ‘Water’ cards.

Once the cards are developed, they need to be distributed. I done this by getting people to answer quiz questions and whoever got it right got a card. You can distribute them however you see fit. Once the cards are distributed it’s game on.

To play a card you must ‘Issue’ it to another player, once it is issued the receiving player must complete the challenge or the penalty on the card will be enforced. Once the challenge is complete the receiver of the challenge keeps the challenge card.

As some challenges are time based I made it a rule that no player can be completing more than two challenges at a time. Cards cannot be played within 15 minutes of the task being completed and cannot be issued back to the a player who has just issued it to you.

The cards I used (Water, Backfire, Rejection and Double Dare were duplicated)


Water- Must drink 1 pot of water

Backfire – The task on the card just played is to be completed by whomever played the card

Double Dare- The task on the card just played is to be completed by both the person who played the card and whomever the card was issued to

Rejected – The task on the card just played has been rejected and does not have to be completed

Superman – Wear your jocks on the outside of your pants for 1 hour Penalty: If not completed skull 2 drinks in succession

Grenade – The aim of this card is to secretly place it on someone else’s person Whomever holds this card on the hour must skull the rest of their drink

‘Buck’s Phrase’ – You are only allowed to say the phrase ‘Insert Bucks favorite saying or something stupid’ for the next 5 minutes Penalty: Each time you break the rule skull your drink

Pockets – You must walk around holding the Buck’s pocket for 15 minutes Penalty: Buck decides penalty if you let go of his pocket

Karaoke – Put a Britney Spears song on the jukebox and ding it out loud so everyone can hear you Penalty: Skull

Mixer – Get people to top up your drink with theirs until you fill your glass

Fun games to play at the pub

Games To Play At Pub Crawl

Foreigner – Talk in an foreign accent for the next 10 minutes Penalty: Every time you don’t use an accent 5 minutes is added to your time

Chief – Have to call everyone Chief for the next 30 minutes Penalty: Shot of spirits

Lefty – Have to hold your drink with your left had for the next hour Penalty: Drink

Moustache – Get a moustache drawn on you Penalty: Drink a cruiser – girl

Frozen Balls – Put a handful of ice down your crutch and leave them there Penalty: Skull a daiquiri (Brain Freeze)

Hi Five – Get a high five from everyone in the bar Penalty: Drink your next drink through a straw Shadow Master – Follow someone around for 10 minutes and mimic what they do Penalty: Skull Break Dance – Try to break dance for a minute Penalty: Lick an inanimate object

Groper – Put one hand down your pants and leave it there for 10 minutes. Penalty:

T-Rex – Walk Around with your elbows not leaving your side for 10 minutes Penalty: Eat a packet of chips with no hands

Smooth Mover – Get a chick to dance with you for one song Penalty: Dance by yourself for one song

Smooth Talker – Try to get a chick of my choices phone number Penalty: Buy a drink of her choice if you don’t get it

Footy Fan – Act like a Collingwood supporter for 10 minutes Penalty: Next drink has to be a VB longneck

Games to play at a pub quiz

Choose your own – Choose a dare to do yourself but it has to be accepted by the issuer of this card Penalty: Issuer to decide

I Dare You – Issuer of the card to make up their own dare Penalty: Receiver to decide but approved by issuer Triple Treat – Complete the next three cards to be played from the group in conjunction with the other receivers Penalty: As per cards played

Musical – You must sing everything you say for the next 15 minutes Penalty: You must serenade the buck (or best man)

I’ll take that – Drink someone’s drink of the issuers choosing without asking Penalty: Try again

Slave – You are now a slave for the next 10 minutes and must do what you are told. Penalty: You’re a slave how much worse could I make it?

BuskerBusk for 5 minutes or until you have enough for your next beer Penalty: Try to buy half a beer with the money earned

Silence – You’re not allowed to speak for the next 10 minutes Penalty: You will be slapped each time you speak

Poo Pants – Put a milky way down the back of your jocks Penalty: You will be forced to put a milky way down your jocks

Wedgie – Give someone of the issuers choosing a wedgie Penalty: Receive a wedgie

Tequila! – Tequila suicide shot. Snort salt, drink shot and squeeze lemon in your eye Penalty: Double Jager Bomb

Of course there are plenty of other challenges and penalties that you can enforce. Just remember who will be at the party and try to keep it to challenges and penalties that will be completed becasue if they are too risky the game won’t work.

Games To Play At The Public House

If playing on a bucks party the following cards may be incorporated;

Buck Rejection – The task on the card just played has been rejected by the recieving player but has to be completed by the buck

Buck Up – The issuer must choose a dare that must be completed by the receiving player and the buck at the same time

Games To Play At The Public Library

Beat the Buck – The receiving player must complete against the buck in a challenge of the issuers choosing