The latest 2024 presidential election odds show Vice President Kamala Harris as the front-runner over President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump at most European sportsbooks. For instance, Harris is +350 to win in 2024 at Bet365, with Biden at +400 and Trump at +600.

No Markets Found. Please Adjust Filters Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Site Map Support is an experimental project operated for academic purposes. Odds on the 2024 US Presidential Election according to Bovada Sportsbooks Schedule for Tuesday, November 5th, 2024. Updated on February 20, 2021. US Presidential Election 2024 - Odds to Win Kamala Harris +450 Joe Biden +550 Donald Trump Sr. +800 Nikki Haley +1200 Mike Pence +1600 Michelle Obama +2000 Pete Buttigieg +2500 Beto O'Rourke +2500.

Presidental Betting

The thinking is that Biden may opt to let Harris take the reigns in the next Presidential election cycle, due to the fact that Biden will be 81-years-old three years from now.

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The first deciding events are the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, which usually take place in February. Although the winners of these party-specific races aren’t necessarily shoe-ins for their party’s nominations, the results of these events can impact the odds greatly.

By the time Iowans and New Hampshirites gather to make their decisions, bettors in the United Kingdom and around Europe should have a good idea of who is in the running for the nominations of both parties. Despite all the historic precedent of renominating an incumbent, that isn’t a foregone conclusion for the Democrats in 2024.

Here’s a look at the current US Presidential Election odds at two UK books:

Presidential election odds 2024

Kamala Harris+350+400
Joe Biden+400+400
Donald Trump +600+800
Mike Pence+1400+1600
Nikki Haley+1400+2000
Ivanka Trump+2500+3300
Dwayne Johnson+2800+5000
Ted Cruz+3300+3300
Michelle Obama+3300+3300
Tucker Carlson+3300+3300
Pete Buttigieg+4000+2800
Liz Cheney+5000OTB

Given the recent historic turnout in Black communities in major cities around the country, Harris makes sense as the front-runner right now. It’s reasonable to assume the leaders in those communities could fire that machine back up in 2024 to get behind her.

The Democrats may want to maximize that momentum by nominating Harris instead of pushing for a second term for Biden. If they do so, that would be a first. So far in US history, no major party has ever opted not to renominate an incumbent when he’s been eligible for reelection.

That’s partially because ousting an incumbent president has proven very difficult in US history. Prior to 2020, it hadn’t happened in nearly 30 years. Here’s the full list of one-term presidents and their tenures in office:

  • Donald Trump, 2017-2021
  • George H.W. Bush, 1989-1993
  • Jimmy Carter, 1977-1981
  • Gerald Ford, 1974-77
  • Herbert Hoover, 1929-33
  • William Howard Taft, 1909-13
  • Benjamin Harrison, 1889-93
  • Martin Van Buren, 1837-41
  • John Quincy Adams, 1825-29
  • John Adams, 1797-1801

If the Democrats do nominate Harris in 2024, it will be historic for other reasons, however. No major party has ever nominated an African-American woman for president, for example.

Harris’ nomination could come in the same year as a historic nomination by the other party. The possible scenario has only played out one other time in US history.

Can Donald Trump run again in 2024?

The short answer is yes.

Only Grover Cleveland has served two non-consecutive terms as president in US history, serving his first from 1885-1889 and his second from 1893-1897. Despite the fact that Trump just got the second-most votes for a presidential candidate in US history, there is one big reason why he may have an uphill climb to secure a third nomination from the Republican Party.


In June of 2024, Trump will turn 78 years old. That would make him the oldest major-party presidential candidate in US history, setting him up to be pushing 83 when his potential second term would end.

By a similar measure, Trump also had more people vote for his opponent than any other incumbent in US history. That’s another reason why the GOP may look elsewhere in 2024.

UK books currently favor Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, and Ivanka Trump to be the GOP nominee in 2024. Either Haley or Ivanka Trump would be the first female presidential nominee in the history of the Republican Party. Ivanka Trump would also be the first daughter of a president to receive such a nomination.

Election betting explained

Often times, books will refer to markets on these contests as “futures.” That’s because they will settle the bets months or years into the future.

The lines on this event are called moneylines or straight bets. That means you’re simply picking a winner of the contest, with the margin of victory and other elements irrelevant for these purposes.

Using the 2020 presidential election as an example, UK books liked Trump as a strong contender. They started him out at +100 or “even money” then moved him to -150 throughout the cycle. His odds rounded out at +150.

Presidental Betting

That means if you put $100 down at first opportunity, you would have doubled your money exactly had he won. When his odds moved to -150, you would have had to wager $150 to make $100 in profit. At +150, you’d get a $150 payout on a wager of $100.

What to monitor: polling data

Polling data is fluid and changes over the course of an election period. In the early stages like now (May 2019), candidates with the most name recognition tend to poll the strongest. That’s why on the Democratic side former VP Joe Biden and 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders were early polling front-runners.

As lower tier candidates who have difficulty fund-raising drop out of the race, and TV debates start crystallizing (or galvanizing) voter opinion, the numbers begin to consolidate around one-to-two front-runners heading into the primaries.

For simplicity purposes, monitor two well-respected polling aggregators:

  • Real Clear Politics: Consolidates and links to the most respected polls.
  • FiveThirtyEight Polls: Does the same but presents the information in a different way.

Top 2024 US Presidential Contenders


In US history, no major party has ever failed to renominate an incumbent for reelection when he’s been eligible for another term. UK books feel that the Democrats will break that tradition in 2024, however, nominating Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris instead. Other frontrunners at these books include NY Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.


While Donald Trump is the frontrunner at UK books right now, current Vice President Mike Pence is the next top contender. After that, the field contains former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley and Trump’s daughter Ivanka.

2024 Presidential betting tips

In terms of presidential elections, the candidates who most represent the opposite end of the spectrum ideologically often fare the best. For example, Barack Obama and Donald Trump were about as different as could be.

That’s usually following a two-term president, however. As 2024 will come at the tail end of Joe Biden’s first term and he may run for reelection as the incumbent, that typical wisdom may prove unreliable.

Watch candidates’ fundraising and polling as the cycle nears. That will be an indicator into which candidates to back at the books.

Can you bet in the US?

So far, no states have allowed sportsbooks within their borders to take action on the results of any US elections. If that changes to any degree, TheLines will keep you updated on the progress of that movement.

2020 US Presidential Election Recap

The 2020 US Presidential Election Season is in the rear-view mirror and while it took more time than necessary for the dust to settle, Joe Biden finally officially made Donald Trump the 11th one-term President. Despite the lawsuits, the conspiracy theories and investigations, Donald Trump, who has yet to concede, and many of the 75 million that voted for him may still never accept the Election results.

The Electoral College has spoken, the swearing-in ceremonies are complete and the work to undo the damage that Donald Trump inflicted on his own Nation is underway.

Joe Biden can thank the African American turnout, the US Urban Centers, a huge number of mail-in votes and an unprecedented overall voter turnout for his big win. Trump predictably got a big swath of the vote from rural America. It remains unclear if those trends will follow us into the next Election Betting cycle or if the Donald Trump factor was a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon.

Bettors were engaged in unprecedented fashion in 2020. Offshore sportsbooks reported a major uptick in US Election Betting from the 2016 campaign. One major British site saw a 150% increase in overall bets from 2016 with a few brave souls wagering $1 million plus on the outcome.

2016 set the standard as far as US Election popularity and 2020 blew that standard away. Now we look to the 2022 Mid-terms and the 2024 Presidential Campaign for our US Politics Betting fix. And it seems as though the Campaigns have started already.

As we look forward to the next Presidential Election cycle in 2024 – odds have already been set on who will be the Democratic and Republican Nominees. We will be there with all key political gambling markets to consider, the sites with the best and most varied betting odds on politics, betting strategies to help you succeed, and much more as we put a lid on this current Campaign and look toward the next one.

Political Odds & Betting News

Political Betting News

US Presidential Election Betting Odds

Betting on politics dates back hundreds of years. As King Edward VI of England lay dying in 1553, merchants in Antwerp were busy wagering on the disputed succession. Bookmakers in London were offering 4/1 (+400) on King George II dying on the battlefields of Dettingen after a foolhardy decision to wage war on the French in 1743. In the late 19th century, a thriving betting market on presidential elections sprung up on Wall Street.
Europe has always been the spiritual home of political betting, but it is now soaring in popularity in America. Each presidential election sets a new record in sportsbook handle, and there is serious money up for grabs if you can call it correctly.
Donald Trump was initially assigned odds of 500/1 (+50000) to win the 2016 election. That dropped to 25/1 (+2500) by the time he announced his campaign in August 2015. The odds on him emerging victorious continued to dwindle in the buildup to the election, but Hillary Clinton remained the heavy favorite, only for Trump to pull off a stunning upset. Some bettors won more than $1 million by betting on him.

On the other side of the Atlantic, bettors have recently made their fortunes by correctly predicting that Scotland would not leave the UK, Britain would leave the EU and the Conservatives would beat Labour in 2015. Betting on elections in countries like Australia, New Zealand, and Sweden is also popular.

The 2020 US presidential battle became the biggest political betting event in history. Donald Trump was perhaps the most polarizing figure ever to run for political office. His bombast and intense divisiveness were a benefit in 2016 but proved to be a detriment in 2020. We saw him start out as the favorite when the official 2020 campaign season kicked off but those odds dwindled as COVID-19 worsened and Democrats rallied to defeat the embattled President.

We now look forward to the 2024 US Election and oddsmakers have already stated compiling odds for who will be the combatants for what promises to be another political slugfest. Joe Biden, the current President will be 82 years old when that campaign comes around. There are questions about his ability and even desire to bid for another 4 years in office.

There will be more opportunities for bettors to weigh in on a host of topics, from the winner of the Presidency, to the winner of the Senate to the always-fun prop bets that became an enormous part of this political betting season. Sportsbooks will undoubtedly be covering races in other countries around the world as well.

Who will seize the opportunity will in 2024? Will there be any betting opportunities similar to the ones we saw in 2020 like President Donald Trump opening Area 51 to the public before his first term in office ends?

US Presidential Election Prop Bets

US Election Prop Bets continue to be a popular way for not only political junkies but pop-culture aficionados to get a little skin in the game.

The Presidential Debates were probably the highlight of the prop betting season. In true US Political fashion, Prop Betting season has dragged on past November 3 and is continuing even today. Prior to the 2020 vote, you could bet on Voter Turnout in the U.S Presidential Election, the percentage of Americans that would turn out and vote, Majority Control of the U.S. Senate, if Donald would get kicked off Twitter and whether or not Trump would lose every state he lost in 2016 – just to name a few.

Many sportsbooks offered odds on which candidate would carry each of the 50 states. For example, the Republicans were heavy favorites in Alabama, and the Democrats were heavy favorites in California, but it was tight in Wisconsin. You could also find prop bet options on all manner of weird and wonderful markets. There were Trump impeachment odds, and betting options on which Candidate would drop out first.

Nowadays you can bet on whether or not Joe Biden will be impeached, what year Kamala Harris will become President and whether Biden will complete his first term.

Election Prop Betting brought a little fun to what was an intense Election Season and will likely continue to be a big part of any Election campaign going forward.

Trump: +150 Biden-200

Trump: +150 Biden -180

Trump: +172 Biden -204

House and Senate Winner Odds

Control of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate became a huge part of the 2020 US Election season and will provide huge US Election Betting opportunities in less than two years. In 2020, Republicans actually picked up seats in the House but shockingly lost their long-established control of the Senate thanks to two defeats in ruby-red Georgia.

Elections have consequences and 2020’s were that Republicans’ loyalty to Donald Trump cost them control of all three branches of Government, giving Joe Biden and the Democrats a virtual rubber-stamp for any policy they want to pass.

Presidential Betting Poll

For the Best odds on the presidential Election Visit 5Dimes.

Where to Bet on Politics

If you want to bet on politics, you need to find a trustworthy, reputable betting site that will pay you any winnings promptly. SBR has reviewed more than 1,000 sportsbooks, allowing us to identify the very best in the business. Check out our list of top sportsbooks to browse the list of sports betting sites that have secured an A+ or A rating. You can wager at any of those sites with confidence. Most offer political betting, and that trend of growing opportunities will only increase thanks to the insanity that we have seen the last 8+ years.

The online sportsbooks cited on this page are all great options. They are well-known betting sites, trustworthy and renowned for paying out on time. They offer a range of compelling sports betting and political betting markets, and some attractive odds and bonuses too.

Presidential Election Betting Tips

It helps to pay attention to what is happening in the world when betting on Elections. Donald Trump appeared to be on a path to victory at this time last year with the economy raging and everything seemingly on the upswing in the US. Political scientists have long pointed to the effects of economic performance upon major votes in countries across the globe. A failing economy is often disastrous for the incumbent.

Social unrest and COVID-19 completely changed the economic trajectory of the country and ultimately brought Donald Trump down thanks to his unwillingness or inability to deal with either. It wasn’t his bombast, his lies, or his divisive personality, it was outside factors that made him just one of 11 one-term Presidents.

That said, it seems as though political loyalties are baked into some people’s minds in the US, giving credence to the notion that it doesn’t matter to some what is going on in their country – “once a Republican, always a Republican”. If it were the case of outside forces being the sole determinant of an Election outcome, Mr. Trump would have been absolutely destroyed in November.

You should also never fear backing the underdog. Donald Trump was the underdog right up until the end in 2016 and won. In 2020 he was a huge dog and almost pulled it off.

The outsider often wins and you see headlines screaming that the bookmakers got it wrong. Yet bookmakers are not trying to predict the result of the vote. They are not pollsters. They are simply trying to make money. They will offer the most compelling odds on each candidate that they can muster, based on the volume of bets previously received on each man. Look at policies, ratings and the general mood of the country before looking at the odds. Do not be afraid of prop betting options either. Some are ridiculous, but others can be potential gold mines if you do your research.

Alternative Politics Betting Markets

You can bet on political developments taking place in a wide range of countries this year. There are key elections taking place in New Zealand, Poland, Serbia, Belize, Bolivia, Croatia, and many other countries. Sportsbooks are offering lines on the next country to leave the EU, the next country to hold a referendum on leaving the bloc, the next CDU leader in Germany, the year of the next Spanish general election, the next Pope, North and South Korea unifying as a single sovereign state, and much more. Some of these bets are designed for entertainment purposes, but you can make healthy profits if you successfully predict the outcome of political events in many countries.

How To Bet On Presidential Election

Is Betting on Politics Legal?

Presidential Betting Odds Las Vegas


Presidential Betting Odds Bovada

Political betting is perfectly legal. Several US state laws now permit sports betting, and they make provisions for accepting wagers on politics and entertainment too. Betting on politics has been a prominent pursuit in Europe for hundreds of years, and it continues to grow in popularity in America. If you like betting, politics can be your savior amid the lack of sporting action currently on offer. Just make sure you find a safe, reliable sports betting site with a healthy political wagering section, and get involved in the action.