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Badugi How To Play
  • Badugi (also known as badougi, paduki or padooki) is a draw poker variant similar to triple draw, with hand-values similar to lowball. The betting structure and overall play of the game is identical to a standard poker game using blinds, but, unlike traditional poker which involves a minimum of.
  • Learn how to play Baduci poker and understand the rules on how to play Baduci.
  • Learn how to play this new variant of poker online. Includes rules for Badugi, betting rounds, when to draw and winning tips.

Badugi Poker Guides

The Basics:

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Baduci poker is a type of poker game that is similar to Badugi Poker. Note that Baduci is not a typo for Badugi and it is actually a separate poker game. Basically this game is a cross between the Badugi and deuce to seven (2-7) Triple Draw poker games and it uses many of the same rules. When playing a round of this game, the pot gets divided between two different hands. One half of the pot is awarded to the player with the best Badugi hand and the other half goes to the person with the best 2 to 7 triple draw hand. Note that this game is also known as Badeucy or Badeudcey Poker.

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Baduci Poker Rules

On the Badugi rules page, the objective is to get the lowest possible hand. Preferably an off-suited four card hand is the highest scoring. The best Badugi hand is A234, which is basically an off-suited ace low straight. The ace is not high in this game either. Basically when a player is dealt a pair or any suited cards (flush), then they must remove the highest ranked suited cards or one of the cards making up the pair, three of a kind or four of a kind. Removing one of these cards will turn a four card hand into a three card hand and all four card hands will beat out a three card hand and so on. This is just the first half of the Baduci Rules.

The other Baduci rules include 2-7 triple draw game concepts. In this game, you don't want the ace (you do want an ace with Badugi). So the lowest ranked card is a two and the highest ranked card is the ace. So your odds are bad for winning this part of the Baduci pot if you have any aces dealt to you. The objective is to get the lowest straight possible with a two low through seven or 2-7. Also note when playing Baduci, players are dealt 5 cards.

How to Play Baduci Poker

First, all players put in their small blinds and big blinds, which are pretty much the 'ante' bets of the round. Then each player is dealt 5 cards and the rounds of drawing and betting begin. There are three rounds of betting with a round of drawing afterwards where players can draw up to three cards. Finally there is a fourth and final round of betting before the showdown where everyone shows their cards. After the showdown, the pot is split between the person with the best Badugi hand and the best 2-7 triple draw hand. In some cases both pots can be won by the same person with the best Baduci hand.

Players can call and fold in this game just like with Texas Holdem and normal poker games. They can also raise and re-raise the bet as well and the pot can be no-limit, fixed or pot-limited. Since this is a draw poker game, players can draw up to three cards in order to make better hands. The Badugi hand is calculated by 4 cards from your 5 card combination, and the triple draw hand is calculated using all 5 cards in your hand. So Baduci poker is like playing two games at one time and it requires some thinking and strategy.

Badugi Poker is sometimes referred to as Padooki Poker and is one of the hottest games of poker currently making its way around the poker community. Basically, Badugi poker is a variant of triple draw lowball poker that uses a traditional betting format although the hand rankings differ than that of similarly played poker games. Badugi can be very profitable among players that practice its concepts and know the rules and guidelines of the game well enough to navigate through a good strategy when playing. This Badugi Poker guide will attempt to accomplish just that and have you ready to play at the tables.

How To Play Badugi Poker

Badugi Poker Rules

Knowing the rules of Badugi poker is a very important Badugi tip. Although many of the rules are similar to the traditional triple draw games that you may have become accustomed to, Badugi has some specific rules that some players find difficult to get used to. Always keep in mind that Badugi is a lowball game, which means that the ultimate goal when playing Badugi poker is to come up with the lowest legal hand. The best Badugi hand is a four card hand made up of four – three – two – ace (different suits). Understanding all the rules is very important in Badugi poker.

Badugi Hand Value Guide

A lot of players find that calculating which hand is the lowest in Badugi poker is difficult. The best way to decide which hand is better is to convert the hand into an actual number. In the best Badugi hand as mentioned above, four – three – two – ace, for instance, a conversion can be made to the number 4,321. Thus, when comparing hands, a hand that is made up of five – four – three – two (5,432) is higher than a hand made up of five – four – three – ace (5,431) so the latter would win. This is the easiest way to determine the winner in Badugi. Interestingly, this same system works well when playing other games (Omaha 8, for instance).

How to play badugi pokerstars

Position in Badugi Poker

All serious poker players are constantly aware of positioning in the games that they play, and Badugi poker is no different. Take full advantage of your position at the table. For instance, if you are in the late position in the betting rounds, you have a bird’s eye view of what your opponents are feeling regarding their hands. Using this information, you will have an easier time deciding whether to fold or bet.

Is Badugi the Right Game for You

Although there is a good potential to make money playing Badugi poker; it is one of the most frustrating games out there. This means that if you lack patience or if you tilt easily, Badugi is not the right game for you to be playing.

As an example, you might go into the last drawing round needed just one card to make a good four card Badugi hand. There is a slim chance that you will get the card that you need – but it’s these very types of chances that make Badugi so profitable. If you scare easily, or if you have a very limited bankroll, Badugi may be too risky for you.

Badugi is also not a bluffer’s game; although those who enjoy bluffing might find some appeal to standing pat with a less-than-stellar hand to drive away competition (but this also shrinks the pot). Bluffing is generally a bad idea in any six player game, but this is especially true in Badugi.

Play Badugi Online

Badugi is offered at just a few online poker rooms, but only PokerStars has enough players for the games to run. They are the largest online poker room, which means they have the most players available at the Badugi tables as well. With even a small amount of table selection on PokerStars you can easily find a table with other beginner Badugi players and actually win a fair amount of profit. If you dedicate even just a few hours to improving your Badugi game, you will be leagues ahead of the majority of PokerStars players. There is an active 10 tables of fixed limit Badugi being played right now on PokerStars. I can promise you this is more tables than every other poker room combined. You can support PokerTrikz by using our links to sign up for a PokerStars account and you will receive a $600 deposit bonus.

This article was submitted by my friend Josh. I may have done some quick edits, but the main content is his.

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