Bookmakers make money; sports analysts make a living from gambling by compiling odds for bookies; some of my own income derives from sports bettors using this website. Programmers earn a living from gambling by developing various betting applications. Manufacturers of gaming machines make money from people’s gambling habits. How to Make Money on Virtual Sports Betting. One of the effects of the coronavirus outbreak has been in the sports world. While there are greater problems in the world right now, it is frustrating for a lot of people. Sporting events have been put on hold indefinitely.

  1. How To Make A Lot Of Money Sports Betting Sites
  2. Can You Make A Lot Of Money Sports Betting
  3. How To Make Money Sports Betting Reddit
  4. How To Make Guaranteed Money Sports Betting
  5. How To Make Profit From Sports Betting

Sports betting is one of the finest forms of gambling you will find. I’ve been a sports fan since I was old enough to crawl into my dad’s lap and watch games. I continued my love affair with sports through little league, high school, and college as a player. I still play competitive sports, though it has gotten tougher with a young family at home.

Sports betting is excellent because it gives you a chance to beat the house edge and walk away as a winner.

How to make a lot of money sports betting against

Getting Your Profit Isn’t a Cakewalk

Before you can ever make a profit, you must learn how to gain an edge. Once you have figured out how to have an advantage over the house, you need a bankroll. And if you’re looking to win a lot of money at sports betting, you better have a substantial bankroll.

I will show you why you must have a large bankroll if you want to make the most of your sports betting venture.

You probably don’t have $50-100k lying around to spend on gambling. However, there’s a simple method for building a gambling bankroll. Better yet, I’ll give you the tools to build a bankroll as you develop your sports betting skills.

You don’t have to have a six-figure bankroll to be a successful sports bettor. You certainly won’t need one to enjoy the incredible discipline.

Why Having a Bigger Bankroll Is Better

You want to have as big of a bankroll as possible in sports betting because you’re dealing with small margins. For you to simply break even against the sportsbook, you must win 52.38% of your bets. The most successful sports bettors win 53-55% of their games.

At a 57% win rate, you are essentially printing your own money. Billy Walters amassed a fortune and built an empire from sports betting. He reported a winning percentage of 57%.

Novice sports bettors don’t grasp the difficulty involved to win on a consistent and sustainable basis. I’ve witnessed gamblers make runs with the impression they could win 60% or better. We already know that 60% is unrealistic.

Real-World Application

Even 55% is incredibly tricky. Only the real sharp sports bettors enjoy this rarified air.

But it’s in the realm of possibility.

I’ll use this 55% win percentage to illustrate why you need a large bankroll to be successful.

Imagine you are betting on 100 games a month. At 55%, this means you win 55 events and lose 45 events.

Here’s a look at how you are doing based on the average amount bet:

If you wager $11 to make $10 on every game, the total money in play is $1100. You won’t receive anything for your losses. You will get $21 for every one of the wins (your original $11 plus a gain of $10). Now, multiply those 55 wins by the $21, and you get $1155. Not too bad, but remember, this is at 55%. Finally, subtract your initial investment of $1100.

Congratulations, you made $55 this month.

What if you are a “high roller” in your circle and put $5500 into action at $55 per game. Hey, now you’re retrieving $105 for those 55 wins. That nets you a profit of $275. Still not going to pay your electric bill, but Netflix and cell phones are covered.

When you jump up to $110 for every contest, you are now placing $11,000 on the line every month. Your profit for a 55% winning percentage is only $550. That may cover your car payment. Of course, you could buy a decent car for $11,000.

Sharp bettors can make a decent living on sports betting because they are betting much larger bets per game. They have put in the work to grow a bankroll that facilitates huge stakes and can weather any losing streaks that come along.

Making a Living as a Sports Bettor

Making good money as a sports bettor can be a challenge. You either have to find a lot of value bets or bet enough per event to make it worth your time. Most bookmakers are going to set the lines in a manner that will make it tough to find enough value bets.

Of course, what you consider a decent living depends on your expenses and how much money you could make working for a living. I have met many gamblers that think $2,500 a decent monthly income. At the same time, some gamblers can easily make well over $10,000 per month in another profession.

The amount you need to make as a sports bettor is inconsequential. What you need to know is that you’re going to need to risk a substantial chunk of cash to ever turn a significant profit.

The primary concern is to have a large enough bankroll to survive the ebbs and flow of losing streaks. Even the best sharp bettors have losing streaks.

The standard base bankroll for all winning sports bettors is 1 month’s bets. For 1 month of betting, assuming you’re skilled enough to win $5k on 100 bets, that’s $100,000.

Eventually, you are going to run into the problem of getting enough money down to cover all your bets. Fortunately, online sportsbooks can undoubtedly make this less taxing for you. You may find it best to live in an area where you can simply walk in and place live bets.

A Basic System for Building a Bankroll That Works

I spoke earlier about building your bankroll. I prefer to take a simplistic approach to this task. By adding the same dollar amount to the bankroll every week or month, your bankroll will continue to grow, regardless of whether you’re winning yet.

If you are only betting on 10 games a week to start, you’ll quickly learn the ropes. You will also need a relatively small bankroll. Depending on your financial situation, you should aim to start with the $11 bets to win $10.

Let’s assume you’ll win 50% of your bets as you are gaining insight and experience as a sports bettor. So, you’ll need $110 to get going. You take $105 at the end of the first week and add another $110.

Now you have a $215 bankroll but are only putting $110 into action. You continue this weekly, and by the end of your first year, you’ve grown your measly $110 bankroll to over $5k.

That’s not too bad.

By the end of your first year, you should really be getting the hang of how to spot the best values. You may also have begun to increase your wagers. You may be closer to $5,500 or more.

Continue increasing your bet size incrementally as you watch your bankroll grow. In a few years, you will have amassed quite the nice little bankroll. You must be disciplined in your approach and commit to regular contributions as you improve.

So How Much Money Does a Sports Bettor Need?

There’s no right or wrong answer.


It entirely depends on the individual and what they hope to accomplish.

I’ve shown you how to start with as little as $110 and grow that into a serviceable bankroll if you are a casual sports bettor that only wants to enjoy the thrill of gambling on a budget.

On the other hand, if you are planning to make this a long-term investment opportunity or become a professional sports bettor. You are going to need to come up with somewhere between $50-100k.


Having $100,000 in your bankroll is going to allow you to have enough to lay the bets that will net you a livable profit while also ensuring you can survive any losing streaks.

I’ll make it clear and definitive. A sports bettor needs between $110 and $100,000 in their bankroll. You can decide for yourself what type of sports bettor you’re going to be.


The outline I’ve provided for you may not be the most exciting way to get your bankroll started. I can promise you that it will work, though.

If you stick to the script and remain patient, you’ll see your bankroll continue to gain momentum, regardless of whether or not you are winning.

By adopting an aggressive betting strategy, you can even grow that $110 bankroll to over $100,000 in as few as 5 years.

Get out there and start building that bankroll.

Written by Zac Johnson

With sports betting now on its way to being completely legalized throughout the United States, this is going to be a huge opportunity for anyone looking to make some serious money. Of course, most people are immediately thinking of how they can make money by actually betting on games and putting their sports expertise to use. However, this is still unlikely for the average person to accomplish and there are better ways to make money, such as being an information source or business, versus being a player in the system.

Today we are going to look at five different ways you can actually start making some serious money through the use of legalized sports betting. These methods will consist of everything from starting your own website, putting your expertise to use, and of course everyone’s favorite… affiliate marketing.

Billions of dollars will be generated through the use of legalized sports betting in the coming years, so make sure you jump into this space as soon as possible so you can get a head start over the coming competition.

Start an Affiliate Rating/Directory Site

How To Make A Lot Of Money Sports Betting Sites

Whenever something new and exciting comes into play, the majority of people are going to search Google for information and how to get started. This is something we have already seen in the cryptocurrency space and people wanting to jump invest and make money with Bitcoin. The same will happen with legalized sports betting and how people can start placing bets online.

A quick search on SEMRush for “how to bet on sports” will give you just a taste of the volume and wide range of search option that will soon rapidly expand in size. The only question here is, will these users find your site, or your competition?

For anyone interested in making money through this method, affiliate marketing and creating a rating or directory site of top places to make bets online would be ideal. While it is pretty easy to create a website or blog, the main obstacle here will be getting traffic to your website. Since there is already massive competition in this space and advertisers with a ton of money, you will need to look at other options besides pay-per-click marketing and other methods commonly being used. The more creative and value-driven you can get with your content and marketing, the better.

Can You Make A Lot Of Money Sports Betting

The benefit of creating an affiliate site is that you don’t have to deal with any of the customers or actually place any orders or bets. Your site will earn a commission every time a new player is referred to another site, and often these commissions are in the $100 plus range. Another benefit of promoting such offers is that there are usually large initial deposit bonuses which can increase your conversions heavily.

Launch Your Own Sports Betting Course

Sticking with the theme of the previous point, many people are going to want to learn how to place sports bets of their own. Unlike in a casino where you just walk up to a table and can place a bet (without having an idea of how to play), in sports betting there are a lot more advanced and different ways to place a bet. The more you know and understand this, the better your odds of winning.

With so many people looking up this information, it will provide a whole new audience an opportunity for people to make money. If you already know what you are doing in the world of sports betting and have some experience, you could easily create an online course of your own that not only walks the user through how to make the best bets on their favorite sports teams, you could also show them how to sign up for online sights and placing bets on video as well.

To see a few examples of online sports betting courses that are already working pretty well, just head over to Clickbank and search through their affiliate marketplace.

While looking through the different offers on their site, also consider your options with expanding to affiliate marketing as a merchant. Once you have a proven product or service to offer, you could drastically expand your business and reach by paying a commission to affiliates in order to promote your product — much like we covered in the previous point.

In addition to creating your own product and making a higher profit margin on each sale, another benefit here is that you could potentially create your own brand, mailing list, and following in the process.

Monetize an Existing Sports Blog

Sports blogging is one of the most active and competitive spaces on the internet today. There has always been an active discussion on how to best make money with a sports blog, as its one of the hardest things to monetize because of it’s audience type. Most people are visiting these sites to get scores and highlights, not to buy something.

However, with legalized sports betting now coming into play this might be an easier niche market to monetize thanks to global interest in sports, and online betting. Is it only a matter of time before we see a sports betting section added to ESPN and also seeing ‘place your bet’ ads throughout the site?

Again, the benefit here is that you can run a sports website the same as you always intended, but now you can integrate affiliate marketing and promoting relevant content to your audience in the process. Unlike selling individual game tickets, memorabilia, or collectibles, when promoting sports betting ads or affiliate offers on your site, this is something that could potentially relate to all audiences on a global scale, while also offering a much higher revenue in the process.

Create a Sports Betting Focused Agency

As we’ve already pointed out several times through this article, there is going to be a massive amount of money pouring into this space over the next several months and years. With that in mind, you don’t necessarily have to have a sports betting focused business to make money — At least, targeted towards recruiting players and having your own product.

To get your entrepreneur mind and financial dreams moving in the right direction, look no further than the latest figures out of Nevada, and how they’ve just recently surpassed all previous revenue expectations in reference to their sportsbooks earnings. Not only is big money being made/spent, it’s also going to be focused on advertising and reaching new audiences as well.

With an always growing demand for new advertising and leads to be generated, this means there is a larger need for online marketing companies and agencies as well. I’m sure many of my readers already have an expertise in SEO or social media and other creative ways to market a business, which could make this opportunity right up their alley.

Taking these same talents and practices, you could actually start an agency that is focused on just promoting online sports betting and charge a higher premium. Instead of just being a ‘marketing agency’, become a ‘sports betting marketing agency’.

Build Your Own Blog, Brand & Podcast

Combining each of the practices mentioned above, one of the best ways to take advantage of legalized sports betting is to actually build a blog, brand, or even a podcast of your own. The more ownership and authority you have within a niche market, the more opportunity you will have overtime.

We’ve already seen some explosive growth in the world of podcasting over the past several years. With several sports betting podcasts already out there, it’s not a matter of how many are available, but also which are the best and can make a grand following for themselves. If you think the market is already too saturated — it’s not. Thousands of people are listening to podcasts for the first time daily, and this will only increase as legalized sports betting makes its way across the country.

Again, this all goes back to if sports betting is something you are passionate about and have an expertise for. Starting a blog or website is one thing, but a podcast is another. Without the necessary funds to push your brand or service to the masses, these platforms will all take time to grow if you are only focusing on word-of-mouth and organic results.

However, with all of that being said — if you have a proven track record for selecting winning teams while also making a profit consistently, this is something that could definitely help improve your reach, brand, and authority over time.

The Business of Sports Betting is Here to Stay

With the legalization of sports betting now in play, billions of dollars will be generated on an annual basis. It’s not just the casinos and bet takers that are going to be making money, it’s also the professional sports associations, state taxes, and everyone in between. The only real people who are potentially not going to make money in all of this, are the players.

I actually just had the opportunity to visit the Borgata in Atlantic City and place my first legal sports bet in their casino. It was a simple $50 bet for the Lakers to win the 2019 NBA Finals and pays 6-1. It was quite a fun experience and I can see how this industry is just going to explode with new opportunity and revenue growth!

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If sports betting is something that you would love to start a business around, you need to take the time to consider each of the options above and create something that will continue to generate revenue for the years to come.

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